struct P1::CameraSdkC::ImageMeta


Optional “side-car” information for an image being transferred. More…

#include <C_P1CameraTypes.h>

struct ImageMeta
    // fields

    bool isPopulated = false;
    P1::CameraSdkC::IString* filename = nullptr;
    uint32_t number = 0;

    // methods

    void Delete();

Detailed Documentation

Optional “side-car” information for an image being transferred.


bool isPopulated = false

Boolean representing if the struct it populated. If false, it makes no sense to interpret its content.

P1::CameraSdkC::IString* filename = nullptr

An optional string with the filename of the image, as the camera would have it.

uint32_t number = 0

An optional non-zero number representing a unique (per camera) number for this image.