
Camera Class

Representation of a physical Phase One camera

Listener Class

An event listening context that receives events from Cameras or the SDK itself

CameraDescriptor Class

Brief description of a camera - without necessarily having to open it

IIQImageFile Class

An in-memory representation of a IIQ image file

LiveViewImage Class

An in-memory representation of a LiveView video frame bitmap

NotificationEvent Struct

A notification class that include type and origin

LiveViewConfiguration Class

A configuration class that is used to control LiveView settings

PropertySpec Class

A detailed description of a camera Property

PropertyValue Class

Hold a single property value, and acts like a union of different Property types

PropertyRange Class

Define a valid range of values, that a Property might enforce


RawImage Class

A handle to an IIQ image file, either on the file system or in a memory buffer

ConvertConfig Class

Defines a set of RAW convertion- and filter-flags, that can be applied to a raw-image

DecodeConfig Class

Defines a set of decoding flags, that can be used on a raw image

BitmapImage Class

An in-memory bitmap image, represented using a defined pixel format, width and height

Stitching Class

A class to stitch L and R images from a PAS280 camera

Stacking Class

A class to stack an rgb image and a nir images from PAS280i or the 4-band solution

SensorBayerOutput Class

A BitmapImage that represents Bayer (raw) sensor output, and therefore includes non-visible pixels

ImageTag Struct

A wrapper around a raw image meta data tag

TagId Struct

A reference to a meta data tag id in IIQ raw files

GpsData Class

A GPS data bundle, that defines an auxillary GPS’s position on earth, along with a date-time stamp

ImuData Class

An IMU data bundle, that defines the orientation of an auxillary IMU in space

GpsDateTimeComponents Struct

A date & time representation used by the GPS to provide sub-millisecond precision

BitmapFormat enum

Available pixel formats for encoding the image bitmap

BlackClamp enum

Setting to control the static calibration type called black clamping

DigitalOffset enum

Setting to control how the static calibration handles digital offsets