struct P1::CameraSdk::PropertyRange


Numeric property range span class, used by PropertySpecification. More…

#include <P1CameraTypes.hpp>

struct PropertyRange
    // fields

    bool mHas = false;
    PropertyValue mMin;
    PropertyValue mMax;

    // methods

    std::string ToString() const;

Detailed Documentation

Numeric property range span class, used by PropertySpecification.

Some camera properties have a valid range of values, defined by a minimum and maximum. This class defines these boundaries.

A valid PropertyRange object, must have its member mHas set to true. false indicates an invalid range object.


bool mHas = false

Indicate if this object is valid, and range check should be applied.

PropertyValue mMin

The lower bound of the range.

PropertyValue mMax

The upper bound of the range.


std::string ToString() const

Get a human readable representation of the range.