Stacking Class


Namespace: P1.ImageSdk

public class Stacking :  IDisposable





DoStacking(BitmapImage rgbBitmap, GeometricCorrection rgbCalibration, BitmapImage nirBitmap, GeometricCorrection nirCalibration, StackingOutput stackingOutput)

A class to stack an rgb image and a nir images from PAS280i or the 4-band solution. The rgb image is regarded as the master image. The stacker will scale and merge the two images on to of each other into upto 2 of the 3 different formats that are supported by the stacker. What outputs to generated is setup in the StackingOutput struct.

SetFineCalibration(Byte[] byteArray)

Setup a fine calibration. A finecalibration is a binary blob that is setup by the stacker itself and that can speed up the stacking process.


Get a fine calibration from the stacker. See also SetFineCalibration function


Get the last result of the stacker. This can be used to get info about errors and warnings that had an impact on the stacking. Errors will cause the stacker to throw an exception