Stacking.DoStacking Method


Namespace: P1.ImageSdk

A class to stack an rgb image and a nir images from PAS280i or the 4-band solution. The rgb image is regarded as the master image. The stacker will scale and merge the two images on to of each other into upto 2 of the 3 different formats that are supported by the stacker. What outputs to generated is setup in the StackingOutput struct.

public void DoStacking(
    BitmapImage rgbBitmap,
    GeometricCorrection rgbCalibration,
    BitmapImage nirBitmap,
    GeometricCorrection nirCalibration,
    StackingOutput stackingOutput



is a reference to the rgb image (this image will normally for a PAS system be a stitched image). This bitmap is expected to be an undistorted image.


is a reference to a struct containing a simplifed Geometric calibration (since image is undistored already - you only need to setup focallength and pixelsize).


is a reference to the nir image. This bitmap is expected to be still an distorted image. The stacker will undistort the image using the geometric calibration for the nir camera.


is a reference to a struct containing a full Geometric calibration for the nir bitmap (the Stacker will undistort the nir image using this struct).


is a struct that is used to setup the types of out puts the stacker should produce. It can produce either an Rgbi or a Irg bitmap. Aisde this it can in the same process alsoe produce an ndvi bitmap if it is selected. The selected bitmaps are returned in this stract after a successful stacking
