“Open and Save File”

This sample program demonstrates how to use the ImageSDK, separately from the CameraSDK, to open an IIQ file, decompress it and save the decompressed data into a new file.

Full Source code

#include <iostream> // Print out messages to the console
#include <fstream> // Save to file
#include <P1Camera.hpp> // CameraSDK
#include <P1Image.hpp> // ImageSDK

// Open a file and decompress into a new file
int main(int argc, const char** argv)
	// All calls to the ImageSDK must be wrapped in a try-catch, because all exceptions
	// are used to report errors, etc.
		// Parse IIQ file
		P1::ImageSdk::RawImage image("test_input.iiq");

		// Decode image data with default values
		P1::ImageSdk::DecodeConfig decodeConfig = P1::ImageSdk::DecodeConfig::Defaults;
		P1::ImageSdk::SensorBayerOutput decodedImage = image.Decode(decodeConfig);

		std::cout << "Decoded image size: " << decodedImage.ByteSize()
			<< " Height=" << decodedImage.FullHeight()
			<< " Width=" << decodedImage.FullWidth() << std::endl;

		// Write decoded bitmap to file
		std::fstream rawFile("bitmap.bin", std::ios::binary | std::ios::trunc |
		rawFile.write((char*)decodedImage.Data().get(), decodedImage.ByteSize());

		std::cout << "Program successfully completed" << std::endl;
		return 0;
	catch (P1::ImageSdk::SdkException exception)
		// Exception from ImageSDK
		std::cout << "Exception: " << exception.what() << " Code:" << exception.mCode
			<< std::endl;
		return 1;
	catch (...)
		// Any other exception - just in case
		std::cout << "Argh - we got an exception" << std::endl;
		return 1;

using System;
using P1.CameraSdk;
using P1.ImageSdk;

namespace TestDocumentation2Cs
    class Program
        static int Main(string[] args)
                RawImage image = new RawImage("../../../test_input.iiq");

                // Decode image data with default values
                DecodeConfig decodeConfig = DecodeConfig.Defaults();
                SensorBayerOutput decodedImage = image.Decode(decodeConfig);

                Console.WriteLine("Decoded image size: {0}, Dimension: {1} x {2}",
                    decodedImage.ByteSize, decodedImage.FullWidth, decodedImage.FullHeight);

                // Write decoded bitmap to file
                System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("bitmapBayer.bin", decodedImage.Data);
                return 0;
            catch(P1.ImageSdk.SdkException e)
                Console.WriteLine("Image SDK error {0} : {1}", e.Code, e.Message);
                return 1;
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Output: Any other error: {0}", e.Message);
                return 1;

Decode Methods

When decoding the image through the ImageSDK Decode pipeline (see Decode Pipeline), it is possible to substitute the image.Decode(decodeConfig) method with the decodeConfig.ApplyTo(image) method, which yields the same result:

// Decode image data with default values
P1::ImageSdk::DecodeConfig decodeConfig = P1::ImageSdk::DecodeConfig::Defaults;
P1::ImageSdk::SensorBayerOutput decodedImage = decodeConfig.ApplyTo(image);
// Decode image data with default values
DecodeConfig decodeConfig = DecodeConfig.Defaults();
SensorBayerOutput decodedImage = decodeConfig.ApplyTo(image);